Announcing a Color Challenge.

I haven’t posted in a long time.  I have been busy hiking and quilting for customers. I haven’t been able to sit behind my sewing machine to make anything.  I hope to soon. One of my problems is I have so many ideas, I’m not sure which to try.  I also get stuck in choosing […]

Upcoming Quilt Class

I will be teaching a class at Pine Tree Quilt Shop in Salem, NH.  The pattern was a mystery created by Debbie Caffrey.  The pattern name is Good Night, Sweetheart. It is now available as a non-mystery pattern. You can make it in two sizes.  I chose to make it in the larger size.  The […]

Stinson Mountain in the Winter

I have hiked Stinson Mountain twice.  But neither had the clear view of today.  With the last few snowstorms, the mountain is a winter wonderland.  The trees are laden with snow.  The sky was a bright clear blue. Last spring, I hiked it with some of my family. This is the same view in the […]

My Journey – Part 2

I love Mystery Quilts. They challenge me to combine fabrics without knowing what the end result will be.  Mysteries challenge you to choose colors, prints, and textures that work together. There are mystery quilts designed for a class setting or as a monthly series.  There are even some available on-line from various pattern designers and […]

My Quilt Journey – Part 1

This post contains an affiliate link to amazon if you so choose to purchase the book. Every year at the Merrimack Valley Quilt Guild, we have a program that consists of 3 different members talking about their journey in quilting.  I was honored when asked to talk about my journey. I have been quilting since […]

Try Something New Every Month 2017

Well the creators of Try Something New Every Month have decided to take a hiatus this year. I can understand that.  It is quite the undertaking to organize a blog challenge.  But I am disappointed there will not be a set challenge this year. So, I decided to challenge myself. I did most of the […]

Dog Boots and Butt Sleds

A quick PSA. Got my butt sleds the other day from LL Bean.  I will be out later today to practice with them before hitting the trails. These were in their on-line sales section. Pups have their doggie booties on.  This snow, while fluffy, is sticking to their paws.  No fun having ice balls between […]

Glide’N Go: A Review

A few weeks ago, I saw a post on facebook with someone using the Glide ‘n Go template.  I immediately went to the website to see these templates. Template is really not what these are, but I could not think of a better word.  Their site uses the words ruler or accessory.  I think accessory […]

Quilting with Timna Tarr

Yesterday, I spent the day at a workshop run by the Merrimack Valley Quilters Guild.  The workshop was led by Timna Tarr. The project was improvisational piecing. Improvisational piecing can be difficult, even scary for quilters.  We are accustom to precisely measuring and stitching our pieces together. With improvisational piecing, you don’t.  There is no […]

3 Day, 6 Mountains, 20+ Miles

Actually, it was 7 mountains but the AMC does not count one toward the NH 4K’s. This past Thursday, my friend Carol and I set out to conquer 6 of the 7 mountains left for us to complete the 48 – 4ooo foot mountains in NH. With the assistance from two of my sisters, we […]